So he made a for it.The end result was Brutal Doom, a mod that takes the original game (or Doom II, or pretty much any IWAD you throw at it) and pumps new life into the MS-DOS classic. Cheers!.In 2010, a guy by the name of SergeantMarkIV decided that wasn't violent enough. As usual, you can find the more information and the mod's download in the video description. I play three maps and feel like stopping. It can be the colors or the high tech theme that gives them a very cold impression, I don't know. Damnit… What a mess I did here, huh? These maps are very well made and the effects make them look cool and modern, but, for reason, I find their atmosphere depressing. You think I'm a white belt to fall into this trap, huh? Facinora is clever, dude. What I could do is to use IDCLEV and start again in the second level… The soundtrack is now from Doom Metal Pack vol. I recorded Map 01 and left the second for later, but the dumbass here forgot to save the game.

Look at these dumb Imps… ahueaheuaheauhauh I'm going to get that Medikit. Why so hard? I think I'm getting demented already. It's interesting how many barrels you have in these phases. In addition, there are people who prefer Brutal Doom v20b, and there are patches like tje Nevander's, which allows you to play it with other mods. In fact, some maps, like 01 and 02, are apparently very similar, but have substantial differences to a greater or lesser extent. Note that the Starter Pack is kinda obsolete now with Extermination Day, which plays the same role in Brutal Doom v21. They are very good in general, but what is playing now is the E1M1's BGM cover by Andrew Hulshult.

To avoid copyright issues, I took the songs out from the mod. Video: Brutal Doom: Hell on Earth Starter Pack